git config 접기
# conf/trac.ini
# simple single-repository configuration
repository_dir = /var/git/Test.git
repository_type = git
tracext.git.git_fs.* = enabled
## the following settings are only supported for plugin version 0.11 or later
## let Trac cache meta-data via CachedRepository wrapper; default: false
cached_repository = true
## disable automatic garbage collection for in-memory commit-tree cache; default: false
persistent_cache = true
## length revision sha-sums should be tried to be abbreviated to (must be >= 4 and <= 40); default: 7
shortrev_len = 6
## ( minimum length for which hex-strings will be interpreted as commit ids in wiki context; default: 40
wiki_shortrev_len = 7
## executable file name (in case of doubt use absolute path!) of git binary; default: 'git'
git_bin = /usr/src/git-dev/git
## ( define charset encoding of paths stored within git repository; default: 'utf-8'
git_fs_encoding = latin1
## ( enable reverse mapping of git email addresses to trac user ids; default: false
trac_user_rlookup = true
## ( use git-committer id instead of git-author id as changeset owner; default: true
use_committer_id = false
## ( use git-committer timestamp instead of git-author timestamp as changeset time; default: true
use_committer_time = false
git config 접기